Objectifs de développement durable - 17 objectifs pour transformer notre monde

Garantir l’accès de tous à des services d’alimentation en eau et d’assainissement gérés de façon durable

Indicateur 6.3.2: Proportion des plans d’eau dont la qualité de l’eau ambiante est bonne

Proportion of bodies of water with good ambient water quality

Cette table fournit des métadonnées pour l'indicateur réel disponible à partir des statistiques US les plus proches de l'indicateur SDG global correspondant. Veuillez noter que même lorsque l'indicateur global des ODD est entièrement disponible à partir des statistiques US, ce tableau devrait être consulté pour obtenir des informations sur la méthodologie nationale et d'autres informations sur les métadonnées spécifiques à un pays_adjectif.

Actual indicator available
Actual indicator available - description
Date of national source publication
Method of computation The GEMS/Water1 water quality index approach is used as a general model to calculate the index, in which measured determinand values are compared to guideline values (proximity to target approach): 1. Proximity-to-target (PTT) scores for each determinand at single monitoring sites are calculated as the difference between the temporal average (for the accounting period) of the determinand concentration and the target divided by the range between the (winsorized) minimum or maximum of the measured determinand concentration (for exceedance and non-exceedance targets, respectively) and the target. The PTT scores are scaled to the range between 0 and 100, where 100 indicates that the target is met and decreasing scores indicate an increasing distance from the target. 2. The water quality index (WQI) at site level is computed as the arithmetic mean of the site-level PTT scores for the selected determinands. The WQI scale can be divided into different water quality categories, ranging from very bad to excellent. The thresholds for these categories are country specific and should be reported in the monitoring system by the individual countries 3. For the spatial aggregation at the basin level and country level, the water bodies are divided into stretches of homogenous quality (between consecutive monitoring stations). 4. The final indicator is calculated from the proportion of the stretches with good quality compared to all water bodies assessed.
Scheduled update by national source
U.S. method of computation
Comments and limitations
Date metadata updated
Disaggregation geography
Unité de mesure
Disaggregation categories
International and national references
Time period
Scheduled update by SDG team

Ce tableau fournit des informations sur les métadonnées pour les indicateurs SDG définis par la Commission de statistique des Nations Unies. Les métadonnées globales complètes sont fournies par la Division de statistique de l'ONU.

Nom de l'indicateur Proportion of bodies of water with good ambient water quality
Nom de la cible By 2030, improve water quality by reducing pollution, eliminating dumping and minimizing release of hazardous chemicals and materials, halving the proportion of untreated wastewater and substantially increasing recycling and safe reuse globally.
Description de l'indicateur global Proportion of water bodies (area) in a country with good ambient water quality compared to all water bodies in the country. 'Good' indicates an ambient water quality that does not damage ecosystem function and human health according to core ambient water quality indicators. Concept: Water quality is estimated based on a core set of five determinands that inform on major water quality impairments present in many parts of the world: total dissolved solids (TDS); percentage dissolved oxygen (% DO); dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN); dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP); and Escherichia coli (E. coli). As monitoring capacities and coverage vary between countries, a monitoring ladder is proposed. On the first rung, the number of determinands not meeting national water quality guidelines based on the existing monitoring sites are used to estimate the water quality. On the second rung, a water quality index is used to combine the determinand values in a statistically more robust manner, and the monitoring coverage increased. On consecutive rungs, the monitoring coverage can be step-wise increased and complementary determinands covering additional aspects of ambient water quality can be included depending on the national capacities and requirements enabling the indicator to inform on the status of ambient water quality in a more comprehensive way.
Niveau désigné par les Nations Unies 2
UN custodial agency UNEP (Partnering Agencies: UN Water)
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Un site Web officiel du Bureau de la gestion et du budget, de la General Services Administration et du US Office of Science and Technology Policy.

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