Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible - 17 Metas para transformar nuestro mundo

Garantizar la disponibilidad y la gestión sostenible del agua y el saneamiento para todos

Indicador 6.5.2: Proporción de la superficie de cuencas transfronterizas sujetas a arreglos operacionales para la cooperación en materia de aguas

Proportion of transboundary basin area with an operational arrangement for water cooperation

Esta tabla proporciona metadatos para el indicador real disponible a partir de las estadísticas de US más cercanas al correspondiente indicador global de SDG. Tenga en cuenta que incluso cuando el indicador global de ODS esté totalmente disponible a partir de las estadísticas de US, se debe consultar esta tabla para obtener información sobre la metodología nacional y otra información de metadatos específicos de US.

Actual indicator available
Actual indicator available - description
Date of national source publication
Method of computation Calculated ' for any spatial unit (country, region) ' as the percentage that the total surface area (in km2) of transboundary basins that have an operational arrangement for water cooperation makes up of the total surface area of transboundary basins (km2). GIS data on the extent and location of transboundary basins facilitates the spatial analysis, corresponding datasets available globally.
Scheduled update by national source
U.S. method of computation
Comments and limitations
Date metadata updated
Disaggregation geography
Unidad de medida
Disaggregation categories
International and national references
Time period
Scheduled update by SDG team

Esta tabla proporciona información sobre los metadatos para los indicadores de los ODS tal como los define la Comisión de Estadística de la ONU. La División de Estadística de las Naciones Unidas proporciona los metadatos globales completos .

Nombre del indicador Proportion of transboundary basin area with an operational arrangement for water cooperation
Nombre de destino By 2030, implement integrated water resources management at all levels, including through transboundary cooperation as appropriate.
Descripción del indicador global Proportion of surface area of transboundary basins that have an operational arrangement for transboundary water cooperation. Regular meetings of the riparian countries to discuss IWRM and exchange of information are required for an arrangement to be defined as "operational".Concepts: Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) is an approach to managing water in a coordinated way. It takes into account the different water sources as well as various users and uses in a given situation, with the aim of maximizing positive social, economic and environmental benefits. It uses catchments and aquifers, as the principle unit of water management, and stresses decentralization of governance structures and active stakeholder participation in decision making. Transboundary basins are surface water or groundwater basins (aquifers) which cross or are located on boundaries between two or more States. An agreement, institutional arrangement and/or an established organization provides a framework for cooperation on transboundary water management. Such a framework is commonly based on an agreement covering different aspects of transboundary water management. Agreements may be interstate, intergovernmental, interministerial or interagency. In addition to an agreement (e.g. a treaty, convention, Memorandum of Understanding), such framework can be provided by a bilateral or multilateral commission or other appropriate institutional arrangements for cooperation. Furthermore, multi-sectoral cooperation institutions can cover for water issues. For a cooperation framework to be considered as "operational", it requires that there are regular meetings of the riparian countries to discuss the integrated management of the water resource and to exchange information.
Nivel designado por la ONU 2
UN custodial agency UNESCO-UIS, UNECE (Partnering Agencies: UNECE IUCN)
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