Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible - 17 Metas para transformar nuestro mundo

Proportion of traded wildlife that was poached or illicitly trafficked

Esta tabla proporciona metadatos para el indicador real disponible a partir de las estadísticas de US más cercanas al correspondiente indicador global de SDG. Tenga en cuenta que incluso cuando el indicador global de ODS esté totalmente disponible a partir de las estadísticas de US, se debe consultar esta tabla para obtener información sobre la metodología nacional y otra información de metadatos específicos de US.

Actual indicator available
Actual indicator available - description
Date of national source publication
Method of computation
Scheduled update by national source
U.S. method of computation
Comments and limitations
Date metadata updated
Disaggregation geography
Unidad de medida
Disaggregation categories
International and national references
Time period
Scheduled update by SDG team

Esta tabla proporciona información sobre los metadatos para los indicadores de los ODS tal como los define la Comisión de Estadística de la ONU. La División de Estadística de las Naciones Unidas proporciona los metadatos globales completos .

Nombre del indicador Proportion of traded wildlife that was poached or illicitly trafficked
Nombre de destino Enhance global support for efforts to combat poaching and trafficking of protected species, including by increasing the capacity of local communities to pursue sustainable livelihood opportunities.
Descripción del indicador global The proportion of traded wildlife that was poached or illicitly trafficked is defined as the proportion of total wildlife seizures to the total wildlife traded as evidenced by export permits issued. The different wildlife products traded and seized are compared by applying an aggregation measure. Concepts: Wildlife is defined as protected wild species of flora and fauna which are legally traded and included in the CITES Appendices. With the exception of Appendix I species, most protected wildlife is legally traded. Poaching is defined as the illegal taking of wildlife for the purposes of international trade. Illicit trafficking is defined as illegal import or export of wildlife. Export Permits are required to export CITES-listed wildlife by every Member State (defined in Article VI of CITES, which regulates the information export permit shall contain and in Resolution Conf. 8.5, in which the Conference of the Parties to the Convention agreed on the information to be included in an export permitiv). Seizures are the result of confiscation of wildlife or wildlife products by national law enforcement authorities. Seizures occur when law enforcement authorities have suspicion that the wildlife or wildlife product they encounter is obtained or trafficked illegally. Depending on where, when and why national law enforcement authorities seize wildlife and wildlife products, the information about the seized items corresponds more or less to the variables defined by CITES in the export permit. A minimum prerequisite of a seizure report is naming the species (or lowest taxonomic level possible) of the seized specimen. Also the quantity of specimens and the unit of measure are ideally included, as well as the trade term defining the product that is seized. Aggregation measure. The weight and number of seizures cannot be used as an indicator of poaching, because it is meaningless to compare or add the different wildlife products. Since legal trade does occur among all species products, including those listed on CITES Appendix I, it is possible to derive standard prices from import records in a common market and to determine, for example, what the relative value of rosewood is as compared to dried seahorses.
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