Sustainable Development Goals - 17 Goals to Transform our World

Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all

Indicator 6.1.1: Proportion of population using safely managed drinking water services

Percent of US population that receives drinking water from community water systems in compliance with drinking water standards


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This table provides metadata for the actual indicator available from US statistics closest to the corresponding global SDG indicator. Please note that even when the global SDG indicator is fully available from US statistics, this table should be consulted for information on national methodology and other US-specific metadata information.

Actual indicator available Percent of the population served by community water systems that receive drinking water that meets all applicable health - based drinking water standards through approaches including effective treatment and source water protection.
Actual indicator available - description Describes the percent of US population that receives drinking water from community water systems in compliance with drinking water standards.
Date of national source publication
Method of computation Household surveys and censuses currently provide information on types of basic drinking water sources listed above, and also indicate if sources are on premises. These data sources often have information on the availability of water and increasingly on the quality of water at the household level, through direct testing of drinking water for faecal or chemical contamination. These data will be combined with data on availability and compliance with drinking water quality standards (faecal and chemical) from administrative reporting or regulatory bodies. The WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply and Sanitation (JMP) estimates access to basic services for each country, separately in urban and rural areas, by fitting a regression line to a series of data points from household surveys and censuses. This approach was used to report on use of 'improved water' sources for MDG monitoring. The JMP is evaluating the use of alternative statistical estimation methods as more data become available. The accompanying Statistical Note describes in more detail how data on availability and quality from different sources, can be combined with data on use of different types of supplies, as recorded in the current JMP database to compute the proposed indicator. Predominant type of statistics: national estimates adjusted for global comparison.
Periodicity Annual
Scheduled update by national source October 2018
U.S. method of computation The EPA Office of Ground Water and Dr inking Water (headquarters) calculates this measure using data reported in the Safe Drinking Water Information System - Federal (SDWIS - FED) and provides the results to EPA regions. This measure includes federally - regulated contaminants of the following viola tion types: Maximum Contaminant Level, Maximum Residual Disinfection Limit, and Treatment Technique violations. It includes any violations from currently open and closed community water systems (CWSs) that overlap any part of the most recent four quarters.
Comments and limitations EPA classifies Public Water Systems (PWS) into 3 types according to the number of people they serve, the source of their water, and whether they serve the same customers year-round or on an occasional basis.
Date metadata updated November 2017
Disaggregation geography
Unit of measurement Population
Disaggregation categories
International and national references
Time period
Scheduled update by SDG team October 2018

This table provides information on metadata for SDG indicators as defined by the UN Statistical Commission. Complete global metadata is provided by the UN Statistics Division.

Indicator name Proportion of population using safely managed drinking water services
Target name By 2030, achieve universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all.
Global indicator description Population using a basic drinking water source ('improved' sources of drinking water used for MDG monitoring i.e. piped water into dwelling, yard or plot; public taps or standpipes; boreholes or tubewells; protected dug wells; protected springs and rainwater) which is located on premises and available when needed and free of faecal (and priority chemical) contamination.
UN designated tier 2
UN custodial agency WHO, UNICEF (Partnering Agencies: UNEP, UN Habitat)
Link to UN metadata Link opens in a new window
Organisation Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS)
Agency Staff Name US Environmental Protection Agency
Agency Survey Dataset Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS)
Link to data source

An official website of the Office of Management and Budget, the General Services Administration, and the US Office of Science and Technology Policy.

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