Information collected with the questionnaire for monitoring the implementation by UNESCO Member States of the 1974 Recommendation concerning Education for International Understanding, Co-operation and Peace and Education relating to Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and from 2026, the 2023 Recommendation on Education for Peace, Human Rights and Sustainable Development is used for the construction of the global indicator. For each of the four components of the indicator (policies, curricula, teacher education, and student assessment), a number of criteria are measured, which are then combined to give a single score between zero and one for each component. Only information for primary and secondary education are used for calculation of indicator 4.7.1/12.8.1/13.3.1.
- Laws and policies
The following questions are used to calculate the policies component of the indicator:
A2: Please indicate which global citizenship education (GCED) and education for sustainable development) ESD themes are covered in national or sub-national laws, legislation or legal frameworks on education.
There are eight GCED/ESD themes (cultural diversity and tolerance, gender equality, human rights, peace and non-violence, climate change, environmental sustainability, human survival and well-being, and sustainable consumption and production) and two levels of government (national and sub-national) = 16 responses.
Response categories are no = 0, yes = 1, unknown, which is treated as zero, and not applicable, which is ignored. Blanks are also treated as zeros.
If more than half of responses are unknown or blank the question score is not calculated.
Note that ‘not applicable’ is used where only one level of government is responsible for education.
Question score = simple mean of the 0 and 1 scores, excluding not applicables (i.e., if eight of the 16 responses are ‘not applicable’, the sum of the 0 and 1 scores is divided by 8 to get the mean and not by 16).
A4. Please indicate which GCED and ESD themes are covered in national or sub-national education policies, frameworks or strategic objectives.
There are eight GCED/ESD themes (cultural diversity and tolerance, gender equality, human rights, peace and non-violence, climate change, environmental sustainability, human survival and well-being, and sustainable consumption and production) = 8 responses.
Response categories are no = 0, yes = 1, and unknown (treated as zero. Blanks are also treated as zeros.
If more than half of responses are unknown or blank, the question score is not calculated.
Question score = simple mean of the 0 and 1 scores.
A5. Please indicate whether national or sub-national education policies, frameworks or strategic objectives on education provide a mandate to integrate GCED and ESD.
There are two levels of government (national, sub-national) and five areas of integration (curricula, learning objectives, textbooks, teacher education, and student assessment) = 10 responses.
Response categories are no = 0, yes = 1, unknown (treated as zero), and not applicable, which is ignored. Blanks are also treated as zeros.
If more than half of responses excluding not applicables are unknown or blank, the question score is not calculated.
Note that ‘not applicable’ is used where only one level of government is responsible for education.
Question score = simple mean of the 0 and 1 scores, excluding not applicables (i.e., if five of the 10 responses are ‘not applicable’, the sum of the 0 and 1 scores is divided by 5 to get the mean and not by 10).
E1a. Based on your responses to questions in the previous section (laws and policies) please indicate to what extent global citizenship education (GCED) and education for sustainable development (ESD) are mainstreamed in education laws and policies in your country.
There are two levels of government (national, sub-national) = 2 responses.
Response categories are not at all = 0, partially = 1, extensively = 2, unknown (treated as zero), and not applicable, which is ignored. Blanks are also treated as zeros.
If more than half of responses excluding not applicables are unknown or blank, the question score is not calculated.
Note that ‘not applicable’ is used where only one level of government is responsible for education.
Question score = half the simple mean of the 0, 1 and 2 scores, excluding not applicables (i.e., if one of the two responses is ‘not applicable’, the sum of the 0, 1 and 2 scores is divided by 2 to get half the mean and not by 4). The score is half the mean in order to ensure it lies between 0 and 1 as do the scores for the other three questions in this section.
Policy component score = simple mean of the scores for questions A2, A4, A5 and E1a. Where a question score could not be calculated because too many responses were unknown or blank, the component score is not calculated and is reported as not available.
- Curricula
The following questions are used to calculate the curricula component of the indicator:
B2: Please indicate which global citizenship education (GCED) and education for sustainable development (ESD) themes are taught as part of the curriculum.
There are eight GCED/ESD themes (cultural diversity and tolerance, gender equality, human rights, peace and non-violence, climate change, environmental sustainability, human survival and well-being, and sustainable consumption and production) = 8 responses.
Response categories are no = 0, yes = 1, and unknown, which is treated as zero. Blanks are also treated as zeros.
If more than half of responses are unknown or blank, the question score is not calculated.
Question score = simple mean of the 0 and 1 scores.
B3. Please indicate in which subjects or fields of study GCED and ESD are taught in primary and secondary education.
There are eight GCED/ESD themes (cultural diversity and tolerance, gender equality, human rights, peace and non-violence, climate change, environmental sustainability, human survival and well-being, and sustainable consumption and production) and twelve subjects in which they may be taught (arts; civics, civil or citizenship education; ethics/moral studies; geography; health, physical education and sports; history; languages; mathematics; religious education; science; social studies and integrated studies) = 96 responses.
Response categories are no = 0, yes = 1, and unknown, which is treated as zero. Blanks are also treated as zeros.
If more than half of responses are unknown or blank the question score is not calculated.
Note that responses to ‘other subjects, please specify’ in the question are ignored. If appropriate, during quality assurance answers in this category may be recoded to one of the other 12 subjects.
Question score = simple mean of the 0 and 1 scores.
B4. Please indicate the approaches used to teach GCED and ESD in primary and secondary education.
There are four teaching approaches (GCED/ESD as separate subjects, cross-curricular, integrated, whole school) = 4 responses
Response categories are no = 0, yes = 1, and unknown, which is treated as zero. Blanks are also treated as zeros.
If more than half of responses are unknown or blank the question score is not calculated.
Question score = simple mean of the 0 and 1 scores.
E1b. Based on your responses to questions in the previous section (curricula) please indicate to what extent global citizenship education (GCED) and education for sustainable development (ESD) are mainstreamed in curricula in your country.
There are two levels of government (national, sub-national) = 2 responses.
Response categories are not at all = 0, partially = 1, extensively = 2, unknown (treated as zero), and not applicable, which is ignored. Blanks are also treated as zeros.
If more than half of responses excluding ‘not applicables’ are unknown or blank, the question score is not calculated.
Note that ‘not applicable’ is used where only one level of government is responsible for education.
Question score = half the simple mean of the 0, 1 and 2 scores, excluding ‘not applicables’ (i.e., if one of the two responses is ‘not applicable’, the sum of the 0, 1 and 2 scores is divided by 2 to get half the mean and not by 4). The score is half the mean in order to ensure it lies between 0 and 1, as do the scores for the other three questions in this section.
Curricula component score = simple mean of the scores for questions B2, B3, B4 and E1b. Where a question score could not be calculated because too many responses were unknown or blank, the component score is not calculated and is reported as not available.
- Teacher education
The following questions are used to calculate the teacher education component of the indicator:
C2: Please indicate whether teachers, trainers and educators are trained to teach global citizenship education (GCED) and education for sustainable development (ESD) during initial or pre-service training and/or through continuing professional development.
There are two types of training (initial/pre-service and continuing professional development) and two types of teachers (of selected subjects in which ESD/GCED are typically taught, and of other subjects) = 4 responses.
Response categories are no = 0, yes = 1, and unknown, which is treated as zero. Blanks are also treated as zeros.
If more than half of responses are unknown or blank, the question score is not calculated.
Question score = simple mean of the 0 and 1 scores.
C3. Please indicate on which GCED and ESD themes pre-service or in-service training is available for teachers, trainers and educators.
There are eight GCED/ESD themes (cultural diversity and tolerance, gender equality, human rights, peace and non-violence, climate change, environmental sustainability, human survival and well-being, and sustainable consumption and production) = 8 responses.
Response categories are no = 0, yes = 1 and unknown, which is treated as zero. Blanks are also treated as zeros.
If more than half of responses are unknown or blank, the question score is not calculated.
Question score = simple mean of the 0 and 1 scores.
C4. Please indicate whether teachers, trainers and educators are trained to teach the following dimensions of learning in GCED and ESD.
There are four learning dimensions (knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes/behaviours) = 4 responses.
Response categories are no = 0, yes = 1, and unknown, which is treated as zero. Blanks are also treated as zeros.
If more than half of responses are unknown or blank, the question score is not calculated.
Question score = simple mean of the 0 and 1 scores.
C5. Please indicate whether teachers, trainers and educators are trained to use the following approaches to teach GCED and ESD in primary and secondary education.
There are four teaching approaches (GCED/ESD as separate subjects, cross-curricular, integrated, whole school) = 4 responses.
Response categories are no = 0, yes = 1 and unknown, which is treated as zero. Blanks are also treated as zeros.
If more than half of responses are unknown or blank, the question score is not calculated.
Question score = simple mean of the 0 and 1 scores.
E1c. Based on your responses to questions in the previous section (teacher education), please indicate to what extent global citizenship education (GCED) and education for sustainable development (ESD) are mainstreamed in teacher education in your country.
There are two levels of government (national, sub-national) = 2 responses.
Response categories are not at all = 0, partially = 1, extensively = 2, unknown (treated as zero), and not applicable (which is ignored). Blanks are also treated as zeros.
If more than half of responses excluding ‘not applicables’ are unknown or blank, the question score is not calculated.
Note that ‘not applicable’ is used where only one level of government is responsible for education.
Question score = half the simple mean of the 0, 1 and 2 scores, excluding ‘not applicables’ (i.e., if one of the two responses is ‘not applicable’, the sum of the 0, 1 and 2 scores is divided by 2 to get half the mean and not by 4). The score is half the mean in order to ensure it lies between 0 and 1, as do the scores for the other three questions in this section.
Teacher education component score = simple mean of the scores for questions C2, C3, C4, C5 and E1c. Where component question score could not be calculated because too many responses were unknown or blank, the component score is not calculated and is reported as not available.
- Student assessment
The following questions are used to calculate the student assessment component of the indicator:
D2: Please indicate whether the global citizenship education (GCED) and education for sustainable development (ESD) themes below are generally included in student assessments or examinations.
There are eight GCED/ESD themes (cultural diversity and tolerance, gender equality, human rights, peace and non-violence, climate change, environmental sustainability, human survival and well-being, and sustainable consumption and production) = 8 responses.
Response categories are no = 0, yes = 1 and unknown, which is treated as zero. Blanks are also treated as zeros.
If more than half of responses are unknown or blank, the question score is not calculated.
Question score = simple mean of the 0 and 1 scores.
D3. Please indicate which of the dimensions of learning in GCED and ESD below are generally included in student assessments or examinations.
There are four learning dimensions (knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes/behaviours) = 4 responses.
Response categories are no = 0, yes = 1 and unknown, which is treated as zero. Blanks are also treated as zeros.
If more than half of responses are unknown or blank, the question score is not calculated.
Question score = simple mean of the 0 and 1 scores.
E1d. Based on your responses to questions in the previous section (student assessment), please indicate to what extent global citizenship education (GCED) and education for sustainable development (ESD) are mainstreamed in student assessment in your country.
There are two levels of government (national, sub-national) = 2 responses.
Response categories are not at all = 0, partially = 1, extensively = 2, unknown (treated as zero), and not applicable, which is ignored. Blanks are also treated as zeros.
If more than half of responses excluding ‘not applicables’ are unknown or blank, the question score is not calculated.
Note that ‘not applicable’ is used where only one level of government is responsible for education.
Question score = half the simple mean of the 0, 1 and 2 scores, excluding ‘not applicables’ (i.e., if one of the two responses is ‘not applicable’, the sum of the 0, 1 and 2 scores is divided by 2 to get half the mean and not by 4). The score is half the mean in order to ensure it lies between 0 and 1, as do the scores for the other three questions in this section.
Student assessment component score = simple mean of the scores for questions D2, D3 and E1d. Where component question score could not be calculated because too many responses were unknown or blank, the component score is not calculated and is reported as not available.
The component scores all lie between zero and one and are presented as a dashboard of four scores. They are not combined to create a single overall score for the indicator. The higher the score, the more GCED and ESD are mainstreamed in the given component. In this way, users can make a simple assessment in which component area more efforts may be needed.