The method of computation for 14.7.1 differs depending on the availability of data. Method 1 outlines the steps for calculating 14.7.1 using national sustainability. Method 2 gives the steps for calculating 14.7.1 using proxy regional sustainability data.
Method 1: When national sustainability data is available from 14.4.1, the contribution of sustainable marine capture fisheries to GDP is calculated as follows
- The percentage contribution of fisheries and aquaculture to GDP is estimated by simply dividing the value added of fisheries and aquaculture by national GDP.
- In order to disaggregate for the value added of marine capture fisheries and the value added of aquaculture, the quantity of fish produced from marine capture fisheries will be divided by total quantity of national production of fish, and then multiplied by the percentage of GDP from fisheries and aquaculture. As such, the quantity of production of marine capture fisheries is used as a proxy for the value of marine capture fisheries.
- The value added of marine capture fisheries (b) will be adjusted by the sustainability multiplier. The sustainability multiplier is taken from national indicators for SDG 14.4.1, proportion of fish stocks within biologically sustainable levels
In summary, the computation method for GDP from sustainable marine capture fisheries may also be expressed as:
Method 2: When national sustainability data is not available from 14.4.1, the contribution of sustainable marine capture fisheries to GDP is calculated as follows using proxy regional sustainability data.
- The percentage contribution of fisheries and aquaculture to GDP is estimated by simply dividing the value added of fisheries and aquaculture by national GDP.
- In order to disaggregate for the value added of marine capture fisheries and the value added of aquaculture, the quantity of fish produced from marine capture fisheries will be divided by total quantity of national production of fish, and then multiplied by the percentage of GDP from fisheries and aquaculture. As such, the quantity of production of marine capture fisheries is used as a proxy for the value of marine capture fisheries.
- The sustainability multiplier will be calculated based on the average sustainability published periodically for each FAO major marine fishing area.
For each country, the sustainability multiplier will be the average sustainability weighted by the proportion of the quantity of marine capture for each respective fishing area in which the country performs fishing activities. When a country fishes in only one FAO fishing area, its sustainability multiplier will be equal to the average sustainability of stocks in that area.
- The value added of marine capture fisheries (b) will be adjusted by the sustainability multiplier (c) to get the sustainable marine capture fisheries as a percentage of GDP
In summary, the computation method for GDP from sustainable marine capture fisheries may also be expressed as: